Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
No. The site tracks no usage data whatsoever, including search history. Read the privacy policy for more information.
ForumScout supports all forums that are publicly accessible and have been indexed by Google. This includes pretty much all the popular forums.
If you're interested in using ForumScout's API, please contact me for more information. I'm happy to work with you to provide the data you need.
The average search time is around 1-2 seconds. This can vary during peak times, but the search is generally very fast.
You can filter by time, country, and domain.
The domain filter allows you to search for posts made on a specific domain. For example, entering '' will only show results from Reddit.
Yes, you can use Google Dorks in the search bar. To learn about Google Dorks, see this guide.
Save hours of manual searching and never miss a mention again.
Scouts are automated searches that run every hour.
When a scout finds a new thread that matches your search criteria, it adds it to your feed. You can also recieve an email alert so you can engage with it quickly.
They can track live mentions of any keyword or phrase.
For example, you can use scouts to track mentions of your brand, product, or competitors. You can also use them to find new customers or monitor industry trends.
*Expect most results to be from Reddit - that's where most engagement happens.
Configure your scout's search criteria and set some filters to find the threads you want.
Every hour, your scout will search for new threads that match your criteria.
New threads are added to your feed, and can be sent to your email for quick engagement.
Here's a few ways you can use scouts. Get creative!
Search for posts related to your niche, and engage with potential customers first.
Track what people are saying about your brand, and quickly respond to feedback.
See what people say about your competitors, and offer your alternative.
Monitor your online reputation and respond to threats before they escalate.
Get real-time data from discussions to support your research projects.
Quickly identify trends and jump on opportunities before your competitors.
Keep up-to-date with your audience by monitoring their conversations.
Collect data to train your AI models and improve your machine learning algorithms.
90% of post engagement happens within the first 24 hours. Scouts help you get there within the first hour, every single time.
Choose the plan that works best for you.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Yes, and you can configure which email addresses recieve these notifications in settings. These emails are optional per scout.
Scouts run every single hour, day and night, all 7 days of the week.
Yes, if you want to begin with one of the cheaper plans, and later upgrade for more scouts, you can do so in settings.
Yes, filters include exact match, include NSFW, and include/exclude domains.
Yes, but this is optional. When configuring your scouts, you can choose to include NSFW content.
Yes, scouts can get both posts and comments. For Reddit, we use a few third-party scrapers to search for comments, as these aren't included in the official API.
Yes, in your dashboard, you can export a CSV file of all the posts and comments that your scout(s) have found.